Friday, 31 October 2008

Girl immune.

Friday 31st October 2008.

Happy Halloween.
I feel like I should feel... something, anything. But I don't.
There's so much going on right now, everything's completely messed up, and yet I can't hate anyone, I can't love them, or empathise. People I've spent so long hating I suddenly just don't care.
I'm scared of the fact that I just don't feel. Right now I should be so angry, or upset, or anything... but not nothing.
I don't feel like anything, but I'm so worried about how I make other people feel. I don't want to hurt or upset anyone. It's ok to upset yourself because you can control the blame. If you upset someone else you have no control over how they feel. Therefore it's sometimes to just let yourself be upset, especially if you don't actually feel it.

I want someone or something to make me feel.
Girl immune.

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