Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Girl having fun.

Wednesday 1st October 2008.


White rabbits.

Some people are unbelievably oblivious to everyone else.  Why do they put so much effort into something that gives them nothing in return, and makes them look stupid in the process?  I know it’s something we all swear we’d never do, and then when it comes down to it we find ourselves following that forbidden path… but why do we let ourselves become so obsessed with other people that it ends up altering our original morals?

I can honestly put my hands up and say I’ve done it.  But now I’ve realised I’ve done it in the past I don’t think I’d fall onto that path again any where near as easily.  So what makes other people so different that they find themselves trundling along that path that has no end on more than one occasion? 

While the people in question are on that path, even though they’re so fixated on another person then become very selfish towards other people.  Obviously no one else matters.

I’m not going to say that they think they’re the centre of the universe, because I truly hate that saying.  In metaphorical terms everyone is the centre of their own life.  We might not all admit to it, but we certainly all know it. 

But then there are the people that do admit to thinking they’re the centre of their universe.  Like me.  I will admit I think that, but I also realise that everyone else does.  So I compromise a lot and acknowledge other people’s feelings… something a lot of people need to do a lot more.

That’s why oblivious people really do rub me up the wrong way.


Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

Girl having fun.


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