Sunday, 26 October 2008

Girl who's learnt a lot.

Sunday 26th October 2008.

We all make mistakes every day of our life and sometimes it's hard to admit defeat. Usually the most substantial mistakes are those that we refuse to admit to.
I know when I do things wrong, I'm usually first to point it out... and as most of you know I'll usually point out when someone else has made a mistake too. It's an unfortunate habbit of mine. Sorry.
The one thing that really winds me up though is when someone repeatedly makes the same mistake, one that doesn't actually have an effect on them but alters situations for everyone else around them, and then never accepts the blame.
It's been said that the best way we learn is from our mistakes. I sincerely believe this. However it must be impossible to learn from experience if you are always completely and utterly oblivious to the actual mistakes you make.
Next time you make a mistake just put your hands up and admit it, then see wehre you're going to go from there. If not you'll just get stuck in a never ending circle.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. - Elbert Hubbard
Girl who's learnt a lot.

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