Saturday, 1 November 2008

Girl trying to juggle.

Saturday !st November 2008.

White rabbits.
Should your purpose in life be to try to make yourself happy, or should others' happiness come before your own? Is it selfish to make yourself happy?
I used to think all I wanted out of life is to be happy, and that seemed like a big enough task to fulfill... but what if that isn't the end to it? Just lately it seems like I have to make everyone else happy as well.
I always seem to be inbetween everyone, always unbalanced and hoping for an opportunity. Sometimes I pass the opportunity by and sometimes I take it - I've taken it a lot more just lately. However it appears as though taking the opportunity isn't enough, you must need something else as well. I can't figure out what though.
I've been happy for ages and yet I still couldn't quite grasp things properly.. permenantly. Then I thought if I'm happy and I'm making other people happy then surely everything else will fall into place. But obviously not. That in itself is virtually impossible to do, to keep everyone else happy and yourself all at the same time.
I think the thing missing is luck. I need a bit of that thrown my way.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look for so long at the closed door we do not see the one that has been opened for us. - Helen Keller
Girl trying to juggle.

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