Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Girl singing in her head.

Tuesday 21st April 2009.

Liam's Birthday.

So today my minds been drifting around like a carousel. I really don't think I'll ever understand the meanderings of my own mind, let alone try and figure out someone else's. Or would that actually be easier, because you'd see things a lot more contrasted in black and white without the grey area brimming with emotion.
One thing I can't seem to answer, however long I turn it over for is why and how people seem to possess you so much? Why can a day's thoughts hang around one person, even if you haven't spoken to them... or maybe it's because you haven't spoken to them. Every time your phone buzzes and you're telling yourself you know it's not them, but deep down inside we all know you're hoping it's them. When you come online they're the first person you look for. When you hear a nice song on the radio, it's them you're thinking about.
It's not like you're actually obsessed, you don't even particularly want to be if the truth be told... it's just the way it is. And however much we deny it to everyone, we actually deny it to ourselves twice as much. Because it's not nice to feel like that - especially when it has no path to follow.
I truly don't understand it how one person can have such a hold over you - and they probably don't even realise it. Neither did you, until it was too late.
Laugh if you want, but think deep inside and I would bet my life that we've all been there once or twice.
Gone are the days of waiting by the phone, welcome to the refresh button on facebook.

Girl singing in her head.

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