Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Girl aching from fun.

Wednesday 4th February 2009.

I offically love the snow. Never in my whole life have I spent so much time freezing cold and having so much fun!
The last couple of days has been very typical wintery innocent fun. Throwing snow balls until your hands are blue and are so numb you can no longer feel the cold. When it doesn't even matter if you hit your target or not, it's still fun. Cakes, it's not the fact they taste delicious; it's the baking it that's the fun part.
I have had one of the best weeks of my entire life. Probably because I've spent it with some of the most amazing people ever.
No matter how much time passes between us or how many arguments cross inbetween us all. I'm certain there will never be a time we can't all sit together and laugh at nothing at all.
I don't really have an outstanding moral for you tonight, just a simple reminder from an amazing speech.
'Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.'
We take our friends for granted every single day. Make sure you take a little time out to just think about everything they've ever done for you, never be too shy to offer a little back.

What if you were a siamese twin joined so you were facing someone and you needed to be sick?
Girl aching from fun.

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