Sunday, 14 December 2008

Girl looking forward to a new world.

Sunday 14th December 2008.

Last night I had a big discussion over dinner about preconceptions. Do we all judge too early about someone or something? Or is an early judgement the most truthful?
I am aware I do it, and I think everybody does - whether it be conciously or otherwise. The truth of the matter is I don't think it's the preconceptions we have of people that cause the conflict, it's the way we act upon them and whether we're open minded enough to change them.
Some of us are black and some of us are white. Some of us are fat and some of us are thin. Some rich and some poor. Some thoughtful, some selfish, some good and some bad. By now we should all be well aware of the surroundings we live in and how different we all are. Difference is one of the greatest gifts we've all been given and within that difference we should unite to embrace it.
I can't wait to live in a world where no one judges people for something they think they are and not waiting before granting that decision. I can't wait to live in a world where people accept and enjoy.
If a lot of people agree with this then why isn't it opening up before us all?
The future holds the need to be educated. Not in geography, trigonometry or biochemistry... but in each other. Until we can understand the people we live with now how can we expect to move forward?

Create today the world you want to live in tomorrow.
Girl looking forward to a new world.

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