Monday, 11 May 2009

Girl creating.

Monday 11th May 2009.

A night complete of just drawing. That probably shouldn't be the case two days before a big exam, and when I have english coursework in, and my art exam work... but hey! I've also realised I've never put any of my art work up on here, which seems strange because it's such a big part of my life.
For ages now I've been set on going to university to study English and writing, of some sorts, but for the last week or so I've been thinking of combining it with art. I'm not certain about it yet, but it's definitely creeping up in the possibilities.
Also the landlord of the flat has agreed to let me paint my room! So I know how I'll be spending the next few weeks.
Any great ideas for a mural?

Anyhow here's the drawings I've been doing tonight:

Hope you like them. I don't actually do that much in one night normally, but I've been feeling particularly arty tonight.

A picture can say a thousand words.
Girl creating.

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