Monday, 20 April 2009

Girl welcoming the sun.

Monday 20th April 2009.

Back to school, and don't you just love it? Well no, not this time I didn't. I think today may have been one of the worst days of my entire school life. By some people's standards it probably wasn't that bad, but... I'm not sure entirely how to describe it other than saying everything I love about school was absent from today. My head was playing truent from any work that was set, while the novelty of hanging out with my favourite people in the world was also brought crumbling down because of present events. However, on the same side as that I must also say that I have seen something within my friends today that I hope I could reflect back at them if they ever needed it - although I'm sure they never will because they're all much nicer people than I'll ever be. I'm not saying that as some sort of undying statement that's meant to evoke some sort of sympathy, it's just that I know I do a lot of selfish things, most of which are stupid too. And luckily I have friends who know that, and are always there to laugh at me and kick it back in my face... but help me get the dust out my eyes once it's all settled.
I'm also getting rather fed up with the hold a guy can have on a girl. Do they even realise that they have this power? Because I seriously think they should be given some lessons on how to treat it with some common curtosy... Maybe that's a little harsh actually because this time "He's" done nothing wrong - and yet it still makes me feel so uneasy.
I wonder if we have this effect on them? Sometimes I really doubt we do because guys appear too laid back and not bothered enough to care or think about us as much as we do them. They can't possibly - no one's that good of an actor.

I haven't fallen, merely tripped a little.
Girl welcoming the sun.

1 comment:

DaydreamBeliever_x said...

I really like this one.

The way it's written, and the content.

The dust will never be settled in your eyes for too long.

Everyone makes mistakes... It's the best way to learn.
Taking those photos today, that took me back to a time. A time where everything was pretty much perfect.

It'll be that good again one day.

Love you so much.