Thursday, 29 January 2009

Girl confessing as a geek.

Thursday 29th January 2009.

My day today has been a massive improvement on yesterday, always a good starting point eh?
This evening I have been unbelievably cool by reading various critics for a poem we're studying in English Literature. As much as I love delving into things that I didn't understand and then finally coming back up with a small grasp of the meaning of it... sometimes I find it damned hard. But surely that's the sole purpose of things you love: to challenge you to your limits and you're still able to come out with passion remaining. Yes, yes I know, corney.
But while reading some of the critics' opinions on it I discovered a very interesting point that Keats may have been trying to get across to his audience.
"However self-destructive and intense love may be, the lover has little choice in the matter."
I think that is one of the best phrased honest philosophies I have ever heard. It is so true of so many things. I'm not sure I could have unearthed that from a poem of Keats' but now I've read it the meaning of the whole poem suddenly shows how vulnerable he made himself to anyone who was patient enough to untangle his twisted riddles.

Girl confessing as a geek.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Girl in...

Wednesday 28th January 2009.

Friends are the most important people in our lives at the moment... or at least for a lot of us, myself included. But should there be a point when you're allowed to put someone in front of your friends, or at least equal with them?
I guess we all have new things to learn all of the time, and for those of us who've already learnt them it seems so obvious. But surely it's just common sense isn't it?
I guess I always do this though don't I. Maybe I actually have a few lessons to learn myself.
Also, I can't believe I forgot my book for a Literature exam!!!

Girl in...

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Girl sharing the love to you all.

Tuesday 27th January 2009.

"our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved" says Jason Mraz.
Well if it's our right why do so many people go without it for so long, or sometimes never at all?
If it's a right then why do so many people go out of their way to take it away from others? I think Mr Mraz has it all figured, the answers to world peace.
When everyone realises that we all need to be loved, made feel special once in a while then we can all work together and be happy.
Oh, doesn't it sound so easy!
Make people feel loved, you'll probably find that it will reflect back on you in more ways than you ever thought possible.

Do something today that you'll be proud of tomorrow.
Girl sharing the love to you all.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Girl with asperation.

Monday 26th January 2009.

There's someone in my mind that I want to be in everything that I ever do, but I never seem to quite live up to that person. Does everyone have a person within them that never quite breaks out? Or is it just another one of my strange notions?
Is it a constant dissapointment for us to always have something we can never quite reach, or is it asperational to have something to look up to and hope for?
I don't think it is just one of my notions though, I think everybody likes to think of themself turning into the amazing person they know they can be. The sad thing is a lot of us never actually grow into that person.
I hope I'm not sitting here in twenty, thirty years time still waiting to become that person.
Right now I'm determind to become the person I want to become so much. Surely that would be the greatest accomplishment in your life, to be someone you'd be proud to know.

Girl with asperation.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Girl still smiling.

Sunday 25th January 2009.

Do you think people know the effect they have on you?
The nervousness...
Do you think people do things with the intention of making you smile?
If they do. It works every time.

L for Love?
Girl still smiling.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Girl near the edge.

Friday 23rd January 2009.

A perfect day, almost, but if it were complete then it wouldn't leave room for improvement; and that there's always room for.
I don't think I've stopped smiling all day to be honest. Although I know today has been a parallell day for other people.
Do you ever get the feeling that things are going a little too well. We spend so much of our time moaning about all the problems in our lives, then when they seem to disappear we suddenly become acutely alert for anything negative. Does that mean that happiness isn't actually all that good because it makes us too vulnerable... too close to the edge? People who are said to live life on the edge always glory about how wonderful it is. Happiness is very close to a dangerous edge so come to think of it... living life on the edge must be walking a line of happiness.
Surely the vulnerability is worth the happiness?

RIP Uncle Don

He makes me smile.
Girl near the edge.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Girl priorortising.

Wednesday 21st January 2008.

Another day passes by.
I'm struggling to decipher my priorities, I really can't decide what's the most important thing. Should school work always come first at this point in life? Or should family come before everything at any time in life? Or should you always think about yourself first?
Personally I'd go with the school work, because you only get one chance at it. But the rejection to your family is pretty heartless, but what if it gets in the way of school work? In all honesty I think if i voiced these concerns I know they'd get shunted down because no one else notices them and I'm probably making more out of things than is there to begin with, however it does make me feel a little thoughtless sometimes.
And as important as you are to yourself, I think the key to being a good person is to always have at least one person who is more important to you than you are to yourself. I like having someone to put in that place, but sometimes I do just wonder whether everyone put other people before themself.

Girl priorortising.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Girl warming up.

Monday 19th January 2009.

What makes someone a cold hearted person? Is it them being selfish towards the feelings of others, or is it not actually acknowledging the feelings in the first place? I think there are situations where both apply to people who are cold hearted. Although a lot of the time people get wrongly accused of being cold hearted when in actual fact they're just playing someone at their own game.
Is someone cold hearted if they're chosing one person's happiness over another, or are they just decisive? I guess that would depend on which person you asked.
Often I think people get misjudged for being cold hearted when in actual fact they are very warm hearted people, you just need to get close enough to feel the heat.

Don't forget we only get what we give.
Girl warming up.

Sunday, 18 January 2009


17th & 18th January 2009.

I'm curious... do we conform to the latest fashion so that we fit in with people, or so we can try and stand out? Is it just a way of attracting the opposite sex, or is it a battle for status with your own sex?
Personally I love fashion, and one of my favourite things to do is to go shopping. I don't particularly look at it as anything of the above, merely a socialisng event that I enjoy. If I'm brutally honest I do use it as a way of trying to stand out and it has it's advantages of attracting the opposite sex... but both of those points are second grade motives.
I think fashion is as competitive and popular as it is for one main reason. It allows everyone to become anyone. It's an accepted form of playing 'dress up'. I love the fact that you can be a different person any day of the week, a walking piece of art.
Men moan about women spending all their money on clothes, but why is that such an issue? Shopping, fashion, accessoires; they're all just a different form of a hobby. Men have sports, wine, cars, films, video games...
Fashion is just another hobby, it doesn't hurt anyone, but can make everyone feel 100% better about themselves.
I know I'll have succeeded in life when I get my own walk-in-wardrobe.
Can you tell this weekend all I've done is go shopping and revise for psychology?


Friday, 16 January 2009

Girl with chapped lips.

Friday 16th January 2009.

It's been four months since I started doing my blogs. That's one third of the time I intend to do one per day. I'm still not entirely sure why I'm doing it, because the main outcome from it seems to be snide comments from people at school about me not doing my homework because I've been doing this instead. Oh well, I've said I'm doing it so I intend to see it though.
Right now I feel fairly damn tired, it always surprises me just how tiring an evening of lying in front of the telly and in bed can be.
Right now it's raining. I do tire of the rain something rotten a lot of the time but then there's the odd occasion you can hear it drumming against your window, when you're cosy and warm inside, and it's quite nice.
No doubt about it I do love the summer, but I think there's something nice about the winter. It gives you more of an excuse to stay cuddled up in the warmth and fill a day with nothing.
Also, people talk more in the winter - over a nice cup of tea. Summer can't even compare with winter when it comes to the tea.

Cuddle up with someone this winter.
Girl with chapped lips.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Girl full of belief.

Wednesday 14th January 2009.

Imagine knowing someone your whole life then suddenly they take both your hands completely by surprise. My best friend showed me today that she isn't just as amazing as I already knew she was but that there was a whole new person inside of her.
Some people you read about in magazines, others in films, others in books about how talented they are and they'll be the next big star. Well this girl doesn't need magazines, films or books to sing her praises. She has the whole of the belief from every single one of her friends, and that is more valuable to a person than any front page story.
Tonight makes me stand by what I said a few nights ago even more. At the moment we're all living in a microcosm of our big dreams. Hopefully the microcosm gets bigger, not our dreams getting smaller.

Live as if you'll die tomorrow, dream as if you'll live forever.
Girl full of belief.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Girl happy because of him.

Tuesday 13th January 2008.

Today has been such a great day for no spectacular reason; the best reason of all.
One of my main reasons for loving my school so much is not just the fact it's a brilliant school but the teachers don't make it a chore. They know the rules as well as we do but they appreciate when they're allowed to be broken to make school that little bit more interesting. I think the most important quality in a teacher is to be able to successfully differenciate between the rules and fun and having a good balance between the two.
Then tonight took me a little by surprise but made my day even better!

Girl happy because of him.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Girl choosing her path.

Monday 12th January 2009.

Today I was talking with a friend of mine about how people follow their dreams. At the moment it seems as though my friends and I are all on the beginning of the road towards what we want to do.
I guess at this stage in our lives the paths are quite broad and easy to find your way along. As you get older the paths get narrower and disguised more and more.
I guess my biggest fear in life is to lose my way somewhere, or to find that there's not enough room for me on the path I want to go along. I guess the only way we can ensure we remain on our path for as long as possible is to listen to all the directions people offer us on our way.
The nice thing about life is just how many paths there are on offer to us all. Where I want to be today might not be my intended path tomorrow. Isn't that lovely that we have so much opportunity open to us for the rest of our life?
The greatest thing I could ever see in my life would be to see all of my friends firmly set on the path they want to be on.

Do we choose our path or does our path choose us?
Girl choosing her path.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Girl perfectly idle.

Sunday 11th January 2009.

An idle Sunday. Perfect.
The one good thing the bible tells us is that Sundays should be a day of rest, I would vow myself a Christian just to live by that rule.
Today has been a day of learning, however. I've been taught the rules of snooker and darts, and taught how to fully appreciate the skills applied in both... I'm still trying to understand that lesson. I can identify the skills but I think I'm failing to appreciate watching balls bouncing across a table and sticks being struck into a colourful board.
I also tried to teach a lesson in how to peel a potato - that didn't really work either.
I know my blogs are usually vaguely philosophical, but things can't always stick to a plan. Like lessons, we try to get everyone around to our way of thinking almost every day in one way or another. A lesson we all have to learn, willingly or not, is that your way isn't the only way.

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
Girl perfectly idle.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Girl timing it out.

Saturday 10th January 2009.

Timing in our life is just as, if not more, important than the actual events themselves. Why is it that we get challenged so often with the sequencing of our lives, is that how we're supposed to judge ourselves?
This time round I don't plan on making any misjudgements (we never do, do we?). The timing will be flawless, distractions are often what ruin our planned sequences. But a distraction is only that, it shouldn't make a significant alteration.
I do worry about myself sometimes and why I write these. I can barely interpret what I've just written.

Girl timing it out.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Girl perfectly happy.

Friday 9th January 2009.

Today I've been wondering about how we keep ourselves happy from day to day. When we look at the entire length of our life it may seem to fly by but it is actually a lot of time. Is it possible to keep happy for a lifetime? I certainly hope so, but is that just living for a dream or is it actually truthful?
Living under circumstances with war or famine going on around you it does make us wonder how we could ever be happy when we know so many others are so distant from it. So that raises the question, do we just need to make ourselves happy or does the contentment of others actually satisfy us as well?
We can all offer our sympathy towards those who need it, but we only actually effectively lose our happiness if we ourselves experience unfortune.
Right now I bet you're all thinking up of a handful of people that you would feel their pain. I agree with that, but I still stand by what I said, that we only feel our own emotional pain. Because every one of that handful of people all own a part of you in some way, shape or form.

We only feel the pain and happiness of others besides ourselves, if they actually live in a place within us.
Girl perfectly happy.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Girl returned with happiness.

Thursday 8th January 2008.

My first day back home.
Doesn't it really irritate you when things don't go quite to plan, you're so close but you can't quite touch it. Does that make things nearer to impossible or better when you actually get them?
Today I've felt that homely feeling. You can be anywhere in the world with any person and it still doesn't come close to being at home with your favourite people. It's lovely to experience a little part of someone else's life but only if we return with happiness. We should all understand how people live but to prefer your life more is a wonderful thing - otherwise how would you live with happiness?

Travel the world, be guided by the people in it, but always remember the way around to guide travellers around your home.
Girl returned with happiness.