Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Girl still young.

Tuesday 30th September 2008


Grow up.

Yeah I guess we all have to do it some time, but it really is down to each and every one of us when and how we decide to do it.

Why rush ahead to grow up when we only get to be young once.  I know that right now I have the potential to do or become anything I want to be.  A lot of people know this.  Unfortunately they don’t realise that those privileges only come paired with hard work and success.  So then as the time goes on and they realise all they’re getting is what those of us who work hard leave behind it just causes bitterness.

Far too many good people get caught up in this endless cycle, those who once had that potential to do or become anything the too wanted to be.  It’s never too late to become something again… rather than being fixated on only being able to take, instead of giving.

Don’t become what you hate most.

Life’s what you make it.  Make it good.


It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

Girl still young.


Monday, 29 September 2008

Girl wondering.

Monday 29th September 2008


Whether anyone will admit it or not, our own happiness is our first priority.  So why do we depend on people’s opinions so strongly, when they usually end up making us miserable.

Everything I do in life I turn to those who surround me and ask for advice, even though I rarely follow it.  I know of a lot of people that do this, but why?  Why do it when we know that our own advice is usually the right one. 

Also, we spend a lot of time wondering about… everything.

If you ask me then wondering isn’t something you do when you don’t know something.  Most of the time we know exactly what it is we’re wondering about, it just takes us a while to recognise the answer.

What are you wondering about?

Think for a moment.

You do actually know the answer, if you’re true to yourself.


One half of the world cannot understand the pleasure of the other. – Jane Austen.

Girl wondering.



Sunday, 28 September 2008

Girl with thoughts.

Sunday 28th September 2008

I’ve spent the majority of today working.
It has got a bit tedious but overall I’d say I’ve had a pretty good day. Not because I’ve had masses of fun, but because I feel pretty damn good. Feeling of accomplishment.
What makes one person different from another?
What is it inside of us that would make one person stop and help, and let another walk on by without a second thought? We’re all born the same… aren’t we? So at what particular point does the change take place?
Is it when we’ve been objected to certain behaviour from another person and we merely follow suit.
I think the only conceivable answer to these questions is you. You are the only person that can make you act the way you do towards different circumstances.
It’s up to you which type of person you want to be. Chose your path, but don’t be afraid to turn off the track every now and then.

Create your own reason.
Girl with thoughts.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Girl thinking too much.

Saturday 27th September 2008
A world full of opportunity.
Why can't everyone be appointed an important role to play? Some people do nothing in this world to help others, and yet get offered every helping hand along their way. Others never stop helping people, and yet no hand is offered in their direction. Who is it who creates these barriers? I can think of only one person. Us.
A world full of opportunity? How can that be true when it's not on offer to everyone.
We live in a diverse world, with so much we can teach each other. With all this knowledge within us, how can it be that the majority of us are oblivious to our cultural surroundings. No man can call himself educated if he hasn't acknowledged and understood the needs of others.We're all striving to get somewhere and become someone, but to do that we need to learn about everywhere and accept everyone.
For there's nothing more tragic than a lonely success.

Take the opportunity.
Girl thinking too much.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

My Summer...

Warwick University – IGGY Summer U


I can’t really put it into a few short paragraphs about the experience I had at Warwick University this summer, it would be like trying to explain colours to a blind person.  I was incredibly lucky to go to the IGGY Summer U with my best friend, so I can still talk about it with someone who actually understands me.  Coming home afterwards was one of the saddest days of my life.  Having to leave the people there, that you’ve only known for two weeks, was so much harder than the last day of school, leaving people I’d spent every day with for the last five years.  IGGY really opened my eyes to just how diverse the world really is and the opportunities that are available to me.

            I can’t even begin to describe to you how different it is when you’re there, compared to at home.  For a start you’re with people who all enjoy learning and want to be there.  During my time there I learnt, not just how to write, but how to be passionate about writing.  The tutors there were all amazing people that offered us a learning environment that schools just aren’t equipped to.  They listened to everything we said and took in into serious consideration.

            Living in such a close community with people I’d never met before was one of the best aspects of the course.  Most of the memories I have with me aren’t from the classes but from the people I spent my time with.  After spending only two weeks with those people I feel I am just as close, if not closer, with them that I am with some of my friends I’ve known for years.

            Since leaving IGGY there hasn’t been a day gone by that I haven’t heard from someone that I met there.  Everyone that went has repeatedly said that it was the best two weeks of their life… and I couldn’t agree more.  Nothing even comes close.  IGGY has changed me as a person completely and made me realise my full potential towards so many different aspects of my life.  There’s not a single thing I would want to change about my time there and I can’t wait to apply for next year.

           Name something amazing I did this summer; I taught an amazingly intelligent girl from Hon Kong what ‘Eye Spy’ was.


Girl with sore feet.

Thursday 25th September 2008


It’s been an amazing day.  Spent partially with people I know through to the bone, partially with people I’ve never met before. 

I’m really starting to notice just how much bad people believe there to be in other people.  Why do people start out with the thought that people aren’t going to be what you want them to be?  If we all began with the intention of thinking the most of somebody then I think a lot more people would strive to fulfil that image you give them.  But the same applies to when you expect bad of someone; they just end up fulfilling that. 

I know that I can say that I love people as a complete generalisation.  I love the uncertainness of some, and the reliability of others.  I love not knowing what someone is going to teach me today. 

There’s not a single person out there without something interesting to say.  The only problem is that not enough people know and accept that.

So make sure you take the time to talk to someone, they might surprise you.  More often that not, it’s the people you thought you knew that end up surprising you the most.


Personal:  Bus journey and afternoon in town.


Sleep needed.

Girl with sore feet.



Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Girl with trust?

Wednesday 24th September 2008


Ok, I know it’s early, but I’m going out and I couldn’t leave you for a whole day without an update.


I was thinking earlier, what makes a day good or not?  Is it whether you accomplished something, or whether you just didn’t fail.  Is it whether you received a compliment, or you just didn’t receive an insult? 

In my books, for a day to be good it has to be spent with comfortable acquaintances that actually make you smile even when you’ve just failed miserably, and you laugh when they insult you.

But no one can deny the feeling of accomplishment.  That is something that you can do to make your day better all the time.  But as for compliments, that’s something we have to rely on other people to do to make our days worthwhile. 

Is that a good thing to have to rely on someone else to make our days worthy?

Depending on what kind of mood you catch me in would depend on my answer to this subject.  However, right now I think it’s a good thing.  It’s good to have a part of you that does rely on the people around you, because to do that it encourages trust in others and that is something some of us need to work on.


Off out.

Girl with trust?


Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Girl on her way.

Tuesday 23rd September 2008

Well today has been one hectic day. 

I haven’t had time to sit and think about a poignant blog for you all tonight.

After spending a considerable amount of time tonight on something 

that wasn’t even compulsory I’ve experience the wonderful feeling of

satisfaction.  This is one of those times where I’m not entirely sure if what I’ve done is good, or even correct, but one thing I’m positive about is I couldn’t have put more effort into it if I’d tried.


I’ve experienced it.

Tasted it.

Now I want it so much I’m not sure I could hack it if I don’t get it.

Spoilt or what.


Sleep time.

Girl on her way.



Monday, 22 September 2008

Girl in a Moment.

Monday 22nd September 2008


Moments of happiness.  Moments of sadness. Embarrassment, succession, failure…

Those moments happen to us all, often when we least expect it, but when we actually most need it.

We spend a lot of our time planning what we want to do or what we want to become.  Half of it never actually happening.  Then the other half being so premeditated that when it happens there’s no sense of surprise in it; which dilutes the pleasure.

Maybe we all need to stop planning and actually start living.  The days that we plan will, in the end, just be days. Ones we may remember fondly.  But they won’t live with you as long as the Moments that you have.  Moments are a snapshot; almost nothing… however Moments are eternal.

My best friend and I make sure we live life for the moments.

So, I think we all need to stop planning because however hard you try it is impossible to plan a Moment.  That completely defies the meaning of it.

In the end we don’t remember days, we remember Moments.


Have lots.

Girl in a Moment.



Sunday, 21 September 2008



Why do people stare?

Is it just to look?

Do they want to see,

Or do they want to know?

When you look, do you just see?

-         Or do you already understand.

One look can mean several different things.

The second look always means the same.

They don’t want to see.

They want to know.



Some return, to those who wait
Those whose paths were made by Fate.


Hold On To Me


Loss, once it meant losing something,

But then you learnt it could be replaced.


Then you learnt loss meant losing someone,

But then you learnt to love again.


Then, when in love again, you realised,

That actually the biggest fear wasn’t to lose…


… but to be lost.


Lonely Together


There’s a little girl

She sits alone

Waiting for someone

To come home.

She doesn’t know

When she’ll get fed

So she sings her

Songs in her head.


Then she falls into sleep

Waiting for a better day to come…


There’s an old man

He sits alone

Knowing he can’t

Go back home

He can’t remember


But the old songs

Are still in his head.


Then he falls into sleep

Knowing the better days are gone…



Some people get it.

Some people don’t.

Some can go for years

Waiting for the one.

Some will have

That Moment

Where they feel

All emotions are gone.

Some don’t want it

And never will,

They’re perfectly happy

When their hearts stand still.


But for those of you

Who have their mind

Completely set on

The one to find

Someone to look after

That heart of yours,

Make sure you know;

You’re not on this journey alone

And when you find it

You will finally reach home.


Catching My Heart…


I stared, when my eyes met yours one time.

You with that stare, no one else with you

Your brown eyes wander

Taking in new eyes, never too few.

They never remain with you for too long.

You steal peoples’ eyes

Some for longer than the one before.

You caught my eye… and heart by surprise.


Since I was a little girl

I have always wanted

To have a dress

One that would not only impress

Everyone whose eye it caught

But put into their mind a little thought.

A thought about who I might be

The one at the top of the stairs they see

Watching their party from way above

The one a little to scared to fall in love


            Since I was a little girl

            I have always wanted

            To be the woman who can wear that dress.


Is it the flowers on her dress?

Or the way she has to impress

Every eye?

That makes you fall in love with her.

Her the centre stage

Dress blowing in the wind.

Instead of me.

Looking on from the other page.


She’s The One


A skyline city.

There it stands

Laid out before her,

No one in sight;

Just the shadows of the streets.

All the windows reflecting light.

High above all else,

There she stands.

A beauty before the city;

The only thing worthy of sight.

She walks the darkened streets.

It is she who gives off the light. 

Girl on her own.

Satur​day 20th Septe​mber 2008.​

Today​ I sat in the secon​d bigge​st city in Engla​nd.​ Compl​etely​ on my own. Lonel​y.​ I guess​ I shoul​d'​ve been.​ But not in the sligh​test.​
To be lonel​y I think​ you'​d have to feel as thoug​h there​'​s no one to go home to, or no one cares​.​ But I'm lucky​ because I know that'​s not my story​.​ Not today​ anyway​.​ 
What'​s worse​ is I could​ see a table​ with five peopl​e seate​d at it. Two coupl​es and a Plus-​One.​ If you need an examp​le of someo​ne who looks​ lonel​y then there​ it is. Not me sitti​ng on my own, but the one with a group​ of peopl​e.​.​.​ and yet still​ on their​ own.

Anoth​er day.
Girl on her own.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Girl Thinking.

Friday 19th September 2008


Why do people tend to gain a shared dislike for people who tell them what they don’t want to admit to themselves?  Is it because they finally burst that little bubble of obliviousness that they’ve been surrounding themselves with?  Maybe all they actually intend to do is open other people’s eyes so they realise what other people actually perceive them as.  It’s never meant as an insult.

People these days seem to be very defensive as soon as anyone throws a criticism in their direction.  But maybe if we all opened up a little and accepted and understood criticism and took it as a lesson to be learnt then we wouldn’t have the need for someone to keep pointing it out to us.

So when people ‘have a go at you’ maybe you should let the thought pass through your mind that they’re actually trying to help.  If they taking the effort to point it out to you then they obviously care; if they care then maybe they’re worth caring about too.

So people who actually point out your flaws aren’t always just trying to get you down.  They’re obviously pointing them out for a reason, so you can change them and make yourself a better person.

There’s room for improvement in us all.  Those who can point it out to us are worthy of keeping close.

Next time someone tells you where you’re going wrong.  Listen.  They might just have a point.



Girl thinking.


Girl in Hope.

Thursday 18th September 2008


It really does seem like a long day.

A lot’s happened I guess.  The battle I gave up on yesterday seems to have arisen again, much to my annoyance.

Today’s events seem to consist mainly of a lot of hard work, in more aspects than one.  I have realised just how much work is expected off me to actually make this year worthwhile, but luckily I’ve realised just how much I enjoy the work that we’re doing.  Some more than others obviously, but nevertheless the whole of my time is spent doing something I enjoy.  This is a new experience at school. 

The other part of hard work of today is a little more social that merely academically.  This work consists of keeping people happy.  One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in this life.  I’m not sure anyone can ever actually qualify from this subject either.  The best we can do is to try. 

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another – Charles Dickens. I’ll leave you with that thought for tonight.

Speaking of hard work, I’ve certainly done my share for the day.


Night all.

Girl in hope.
